Posted by : Dani López 01 noviembre 2015

Buenos días a todos. Tengo sueño. Buenas noches. Ah, antes, lo de siempre; pasen, pasen:


- College Football: Notre Dame Fighting Irish at Temple Owls [abc].
- 48 Hours [CBS].
- World Series: Game 4: Royals at Mets [FOX].

- Da Vinci's Demons (3x02/s03e02) [+] [+] [+] [+] [starz].
- Guardians of the Galaxy (1x09/s01e09) [+] [+] [DiSNEY XD].
- Deadly Women (9x12/s09e12) [+] [Investigation Discovery].


- Doctor Who [2005] (9x07/s09e07), The Zygon Invasion [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [BBC One].
- Casualty (30x10/s30e10) [+] [+] [+] [BBC One].
- Strictly Come Dancing (13x11/s13e11 y 13x12/s13e12) [+] [BBC One].
- The Comute (1x02/s01e02) [BBC Two].

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