Posted by : Dani López 31 mayo 2015

Buenos días a todos. Hoy vuelve una serie para su final de temporada y tenemos un par de novedades más, todo para darle más ambiente de domingo al tema. Pero pasen, pasen:


- Stanley Cup Playoff: Game 7: Blackhawks at Ducks [NBC].
- MLB Baseball [FOX].
- 48 Hours (27x34/s27e34) [CBS].

- Orphan Black (3x07/s03e07), Community of Dreadful Fear and Hate [+] [+] [+] [+] [BBC America/SPACE].
- Outlander (1x16/s01e16), To Ransom a Man's Soul [+] [+] [+] [+] [Starz].
- The Dead Files (7x06/s07e06) [+] [+] [travel CHANNEL].
- Tanked (6x01/s06e01) [+] [+] [+] [Animal Planet].
- Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars (3x01/s03e01) [+] [+] [+] [We Tv].

Pre-air (se estrena el 2 de junio, el próximo martes):
- Stitchers (1x01/s01e01) [+] [+] [+] [ABC Family].


- Thunderbirds Are a Go! (1x10/s01e10) [+] [+] [+] [itv].

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