Posted by : Dani López 11 mayo 2014

Buenos días a todos. Quitando un par de cosas de UK que se toman un descanso, parece que tenemos lo mismo que los domingos pasados, así que, pasen, pasen:


- Saturday Night Live (39x20/s39e20), Charlize Theron/The Black Keys [Descargas directas: 1, 2, 3 ó 4] [Torrents] [Subtítulos] [NBC].

- Orphan Black (2x04/s02e04), Governed As It Were By Chance [+] [+] [+] [+] [+] [BBC america/SPACE].
- Da Vinci's Demons (2x08/s02e08) [+] [+] [Starz].
- Comedy Bang! Bang! (3x01/s03e01) [+] [IFC].
- Ghost Adventures (9x10/s09e10) [+] [+] [travel CHANNEL].
- Spooksville (1x21/s01e21) [+] [HUB].
- The First 48 (14x04/s14e04) [A&E].


- Storm City (1x04/s01e04) [+] [+] [sky].
- Britain's Got Talent (8x05/s08e05) [+] [itv].
- Britain's Got More Talent (8x05/s08e05) [+] [itv].


- The Gods of Wheat Street (1x05/s01x05) [+] [+] [+] [ABC1].

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